这款产品是以高山上层层叠叠的岩石为灵感,旨在为城市 中忙碌的人带去一份自然。现在生活在城市里的年轻人承 受着繁重的工作与生活压力,而无空闲
时间去亲近大自然 、享受大自然,为了能让城市中人重回自然、享受自然, 因此设计了这款以“把石头搬回家”的多功能收纳柜。
Bring Home the Stones
Inspired by layered rocks in the high mountains, this product aims to bring busy people a piece of nature. Nowadays, young adults living in
the city are under a lot of pressure at work and in life, with no free time to experience the natural environment. The design of Bring Home the
Stone storage cabinet gives people a chance to enjoy nature's beauty and its charms.